Day??? of the Italian Lockdown

One thing that happens under lockdown is that the days run together.  I think we are on Day 11 but I’m just not that sure.  In any case, I thought I might share with you some of the ways I have been trying to amuse myself.

A few days ago, I posted my efforts at making a mask since none are available to be had anywhere in town.  I got lots of comments telling me which mask they liked best and far and away it was the sweet potato mask, my personal favourite.  I have actually made myself a mask out of a towel.  The other day when I was out at the grocery store, our mechanic, Franco, drove past.  When he saw me he stopped and gave me a new vehicle air filter.  He had made himself a mask out of an air filter and insisted that I take one as well.  I did and I did make it into a mask but I passed it on to my friend Pat who had no mask at all.


So, apart from making masks, what am I doing?  Well, I have a collection of adorable (ridiculous according to my husband) rubber ducks.  I was watching the news about COVID-19 and I decided my ducks really ought to be up on what was going on…


And of course, they should know what precautions to take…

ducks watch tv3 new


However, my rubber fishy really wanted to get the point across…

fish soap new

One of the problems being on lockdown is the inability to go out and get some exercise, so I asked my ducks to come up with something I could do.

Not sure I want to be doing this, plus I don’t have the costumes.  Actually, we have four flights of stairs for me to walk up and down every day, so this helps.


I also spend a good deal of time thinking about food.  I have to eat gluten-free and the best gluten-free store is in Alessandria della Rocca, the next town over.  Under lockdown, it is not available to me, so yesterday I made pizza with a rice cracker ‘pizza shell’.


And, of course, I go shopping most days.  I try to buy healthy foods for my husband and me.

shopping new

Okay, well mostly healthy.

But, as my husband, my daughter, and most of my friends will tell you, I have a real immature side to me.  Whenever I find something funny in the grocery store, I either have to buy it or at least take a picture of it.

Corona paper towels

The very hygienic paper towel… Corona!


stinko meat

Stinco, the packaged meat…  Mmmmm, smells so… good?


dinki cheese

Dinki processed cheese.  What else can you say?


And then the one that made me snort out loud in the grocery store.

kinder eggs??

Intesa Uni-Sex spray and cream along with their bonus gift of a backpack with a picture of weed.  The thing that made me snort was not the product but that it was displayed on a Kinder candy display stand.


Finally, I mentioned a couple of posts ago that Nick and I and some of our neighbours were going out onto our balconies and singing to the neighbourhood every night at the same time.  We are still doing this.  We have been singing the song The Prayer up to now, but tonight, we will sing the Italian national anthem.  Tomorrow, we will be back to the Prayer followed by Happy Birthday to my husband Nick.


Tomorrow I will talk about the changes that were announced in regard to the Italian lockdown.

5 thoughts on “Day??? of the Italian Lockdown

  1. You have such a great attitude! I enjoy your posts! We are just experiencing the changes in Chicago! I was born in upstate NY but both of my grandparents on mom and dad’s side were from Sicily ..( outside of Palermo, Bagheria, Catania and Nicosia) Stay positive ! Inhale:World , Exhale :Peace We practice this at the Peace School in Chicago ! With love, Diane


  2. I love it all, Be Silly, and keep sending your fun notes and photos. I have a cold, no fever, and NOTHING is open around here.

  3. Hilarious post, and I shared about your alternate mask posting —- including the yam! —- to my boss the other day. Sending love, prayers, and essential health to both of you, with special belated birthday blessings to Nick ❤

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