Snapshot – Fountain of Shame

Nick and I are back in Canada now.  Back in Cianciana, I fought and fought and fought with the Internet connection and finally gave up trying to post anything to either of my blogs.  I could barely get facebook and email, much less upload anything!

So as a result, I thought I would present you with a few snapshots of our trip.  Pictures that tell some story.  I hope you enjoy this series!IMG_0757

Lovely picture of a couple in front of a fountain.  Looks like so many travel pictures.  But wait!



Now, if you look closely, you can see that there are a number of statues in the background.  In this piazza is the Fontana della Vergogna di Palermo or the Fountain of Shame in Palermo.  This fountain was built full of statues of mythical creatures, mainly in human form, all naked.  What is the problem, you may ask.  Well, it was built across the street from a convent.  Every day the nuns would come out and yell “Shame! Shame!” at the fountain until one night, under the cloak of darkness, they tiptoed across the street with their chisels and hammers and removed all the naughty bits off the statues.  This happened all under the watchful eye of Santa Rosalia, patron saint of Palermo, who stands on the top of the building looking down serenely on the piazza.  Just one of the many weird and wonderful things about Palermo.

Per favore! Tell me what you think...